Google Edition Galaxy S4 for i9505
Enjoy pure android 4.2.2 & 4.3 Odexed, Full rooted & busybox
The main goal of this ROM is to enjoy the Google Edition Galaxy S4 for i9505 without any visual changes fully stock, clean & stable.
Enjoy pure android 4.2.2 & 4.3 Odexed, Full rooted & busybox
The main goal of this ROM is to enjoy the Google Edition Galaxy S4 for i9505 without any visual changes fully stock, clean & stable.
Please respect and try to help each other. You may face sometimes that I can´t answer your questions/answer your questions a bit later. I am busy with my work and don´t have enough time to read and answar all your questions at the same time.
Please read the instructions and notes before flashing the rom
Android 4.3 v.1 New
- Based on latest Official Build 4.3 (I9505GUEUBMH1-Thu Aug 1 12:36:31 KST 2013)( 4.3 JWR66V.S014.130801)
- Rooted & busybox
- SuperSU updated 1.51
- Daemon: proper storage mounts
- Daemon: per-uid mount namespace
- Daemon: another exitcode issue fix
- Daemon: adjusted reload code
- Daemon: descriptive process names
- No Settings - Security FC
- No FC on Unistaling apps
- Stock Hacked Kernel from Faux123
- Add keymaster.b00
- Add keymaster.b01
- Add keymaster.b02
- Add keymaster.b03
- Add keymaster.mdt
- LTE is fixed
- MiFileExplorer with Root access (removable)
- build.prop update
- No Adds/no advertising in apps
- Battery improvement compare to JWR66V.S001 130708
- Yes Fast & speedy
- IR is working fine by using Smart IR Remote for Galaxy S4
- S-View Flip Cover is working.
- If you want Air Gesture, then install Hovering Controls. Se following Optional Steps
- LTE, 3G, H, H+ and GSM is is working.( use phoneinfo from Google play in case if LTE is not working ) Se post #561
Android 4.3 v.1
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