miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011

Cydia 1.1.2 Released [Update: No It Hasn't Been Released]

Update: As Saurik confirmed in the comments section, this is not an update and jailbreakers should stay away from Cydia 1.1.2.
Earlier today, Cydia 1.1.2 went live. We haven’t noticed anything major in terms of improvements, however, the only ones we’ve seen so far are some slight enhancements with search functions, and an overall slight improvement in performance, as well as a few bug fixes.
There’s no changelog present in this release either, so it’s only a small update…
You can manually download Cydia 1.1.2 here, and if you need a how-to on manually installing it, follow the guide here.
Have you noticed any other changes in 1.1.2 besides performance enhancements in search? Let us know in the comments.
Saurik commented on this post and basically said this is not an update and you should stay away from Cydia 1.1.2:
This /purposely-unreleased/ version of Cydia has only one major change in it (and four tiny things, only one of which is user-visible: the keyboard thing under Search): a modification to “stashing” (the step where your filesystem is rearranged during the initial jailbreak process) made for comex, who recently has been talking about his new platform for handling these things.
This change has not been tested on devices that are already jailbroken (well, I did a cursory test for 2 minutes, but that was all), and users upgrading to this version of Cydia do so at their own peril: Cydia might end up in a “permanent re-stash” loop, or force a stash when the user has purposely previously tricked the mechanism not to (leading to a corrupted filesystem).
In short, stay away from that. Sorry for the confusion.
If you made the switch to 1.1.2, follow these instructions to downgrade back to 1.1.1 compliments of @iPodTouchiPod:
1. Get the Cydia 1.1.1 deb file via Safari Download Manager: Multiupload.com – upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
2. Use iFile and UNARCHIVE the folder
3. Open the Cydia 1.1.1 Folder and COPY the ‘cydia_1.1.1_iphoneos-arm.deb’ file
4. Go to: /var/root/Media and PASTE the cydia deb file here
5. Now go to: /var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall and PASTE the Cydia deb file here, too.
***you might have to create the Cydia and AutoInstall folders. If so, pay attention to the capitalization! You might even need to create the Media folder if it isn’t inside the /var/root/ folder***
6. Go back to the /var/root/Media folder and TAP on the Cydia deb file
7. INSTALL the Cydia deb file
8. Now REBOOT your phone.
9. You should now have Cydia!

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